MedicNestThe General Assembly of the MEDIC NEST Meta-Cluster in Precision Medicine

April 2, 2024by pcdata

The enlarged structure of the MEDIC-NEST Meta-Cluster in Precision Medicine has met for the first time on the 4th of March, with the occasion of an online General Assembly Meeting aiming to strategize and plan our collective actions towards shaping the future of precision medicine.

The 4 founding members (IMAGO-MOL Cluster, HBIO, MEDVIA, SIVI Cluster) have warmly welcomed the other European Clusters that have joined this initiative: Clust-ER Health – Emilia-Romagna, Slovenian Innovation Hub, Klaster LifeScience Krakow, Basque Health Cluster, Health & Life Sciences Cluster Bulgaria –, AI Cluster Bulgaria, Navarra Health Cluster, FundeSalud, Health Cluster Portugal, RTD HEALTH CLUSTER!

After the presentation of each cluster present, the members engaged in fruitful discussions on governance structures, strategically mapped out the landscape of open European funding calls, and initiated plans for future collaborative projects targeting the advancement of precision medicine.

The first opportunity to meet live and to learn more about this open alliance will be on the framework of the upcoming European Cluster Conference on 7th – 8th of May in Brussels! MEDIC-NEST Meta-Cluster in Precision Medicine will be hosting a booth, eagerly anticipating the chance to connect with stakeholders interested in advancing the smart healthcare transformation!

Also, the MEDIC-NEST team is keen to welcome new members that would like to contribute to the transformative change in healthcare through impactful innovation!