MedicNest.euLive Grid


Dates: 01/01/2020 31/12/2024 Topic: Biomarkers identification Project type: Preclinic Clinic Project target: Digestive disease Financing: H2020-EU.3.1. – SOCIETAL CHALLENGES – Health; demographic change and well-being H2020-EU.3.1.7. – Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2) Other Participating agents: HUMANITAS UNIVERSITY Keywords: bowel disease; biomarker; dermatitis; ulcerative colitis; liquid biopsy; OMICs; IMID Countries: Italy; Austria; Germany; UK; Netherlands; Belgium;...

Dates: 01/01/2019 31/03/2025 Topic: Biomarkers identification Tool AI/Big Data Project type: Preclinic Clinic Project target: Other Financing: H2020-EU.3.1. – SOCIETAL CHALLENGES – Health; demographic change and well-being H2020-EU.3.1.2. – Preventing disease Participating agents: EUROPEAN FOUNDATION FOR THE STUDY OF CHRONIC LIVER FAILURE (EF-CLIF) Keywords: liver cihrrosis; biomarker; clinical trial; ACLF; acute-on-chronic liver failure; OMICs; hepatology;...

Dates: 01/05/2021 30/04/2026 Topic: Biomarkers identification Project type: Preclinic Theranostic Project target: Digestive disease Financing: H2020-EU.1.1. – EXCELLENT SCIENCE – European Research Council (ERC) Participating agents: HELMHOLTZ ZENTRUM MUENCHEN DEUTSCHES FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM FUER GESUNDHEIT UND UMWELT GMBH Keywords: cachexia; cancer; tumour; biomarker; adipocyte; adipose tissue; OMICs; metabolism; glucose; lipid Countries: Germany Project page: Access page  

Dates: 01/01/2021 31/12/2024 Topic: Tool Project type: Preclinic Medical Device Project target: Other Financing: H2020-EU.3.1. – SOCIETAL CHALLENGES – Health; demographic change and well-being H2020-EU. – Individual awareness and empowerment for self-management of health Participating agents: AARHUS UNIVERSITET Keywords: software; surgery; machine learning; endometriosis; uterus; app; OMICs; patient care Countries: Denmark; Hungary; UK; France; Latvia;...

Dates: 01/09/2020 31/08/2023 Topic: AI/Big data Project type: Preclinic Project target: Other Financing: H2020-EU.1.1. – EXCELLENT SCIENCE – European Research Council (ERC) Participating agents: BARCELONA SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER-CENTRO NACIONAL DE SUPERCOMPUTACION Keywords: big data; genome; OMICs; NMTF; non-negative matrix tri-factorization; platform; AI Countries: Spain Project page: Access page  

Dates: 01/01/2020 31/12/2024 Topic: Biomarkers identification Strategies Project type: Preclinic Clinic Project target: Infectious disease Financing: H2020-EU.3.1. – SOCIETAL CHALLENGES – Health; demographic change and well-being H2020-EU.3.1.3. – Treating and managing disease Participating agents: CENTRE HOSPITALIER UNIVERSITAIRE DE NANTES Keywords: hospital-acquired pneumonia; pneumonology; antibiotic; infectious disease; drug resistance; biomarker; strategy; OMICs; clinical trial; procedure Countries:...

Dates: 01/01/2020 30/09/2024 Topic: Procedures Project type: Medical Device Project target: Other Financing: H2020-EU.1.3. – EXCELLENT SCIENCE – Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions H2020-EU.1.3.1. – Fostering new skills by means of excellent initial training of researchers Participating agents: UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DEL PIEMONTE ORIENTALE AMEDEO AVOGADRO -AALTO KORKEAKOULUSAATIO SR -AO-FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT DAVOS -RIGAS TEHNISKA UNIVERSITATE -FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY...

Dates: 01/04/2018 30/09/2024 Topic: AI/Big data Project type: Preclinic Theranostic Project target: Cancer Infectious disease Financing: H2020-EU.1.1. – EXCELLENT SCIENCE – European Research Council (ERC) Participating agents: BARCELONA SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER-CENTRO NACIONAL DE SUPERCOMPUTACION UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Keywords: big data; mathematical model; biomarker; NMTF; non-negative matrix tri-factorization; covid-19; cancer; OMICs; Countries: Spain; UK Project page: Access...