EIT Health: Morning Health Talks

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  • May 9, 2024
  • All Day

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EIT Health: Morning Health Talks

All Day
May 9, 2024


EIT Health Morning Health Talks (MHT) is a series of events launched to stimulate thought-provoking discussions on the most pressing innovative healthcare topics and create a network environment for healthcare thinkers and doers in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe.
The next talk will be organised by Klaster LifeScience Krakow on the 9th of May, 2024 and will explore the issue of innovativeness in healthcare services.
The discussion will involve answers to the following questions:
1. What barriers hinder the participative development of healthcare technologies in hospitals?
2. What needs to change to support open innovation in healthcare?
3. Why do we need patients to be engaged and empowered, and what does it mean in practice?

Those interested can register here: https://podio.com/webforms/29560650/2434810


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