MedicNest.euLive Grid


Type: Platform Project page: Access page Country: Belgium Synopsis: The Belgian Cancer Registry collects information about all new cancer diagnoses in Belgium and their follow-up. Based on this information it maps out the nature and extent of cancer in Belgium. It regularly bundles this information in a publication.

BelgiumSCK CEN

January 27, 2023by pcdata

Type: Research Project page: Access page Country: Belgium Synopsis: SCK CEN is a pre-clinical research partner and manufacturer of medical radioisotopes specialising in the field of radiopharmaceuticals.


January 27, 2023by pcdata

Type: Government Project page: Access page Country: Belgium Synopsis: In the first place, the department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) seeks to achieve this through the preparation, monitoring and evaluation of policy. The established policy is carried out by the agencies, while the advisory councils provide competent advice.o stimulate developments in personalised medicine and...


January 27, 2023by pcdata

Type: Research Project page: Access page Country: Belgium Synopsis: The detection of diseases at an early stage of development has many advantages, such as timely and specific treatment, which means significant cost savings, and the ability to trace the cause of a disease more quickly and efficiently. To support the progress of early diagnostics, VITO...


January 27, 2023by pcdata

Type: Research Project page: Access page Country: Belgium Synopsis: Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Center is an independent research center in the field of microelectronics, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, design methods and technologies for ICT systems. Nanoelectronics can play a crucial role in the development of advanced precision medicine instrumentation and pave the way to tomorrow’s personalized healthcare: it...

Type: Government Project page: Access page Country: Belgium Synopsis: Zorgnet Icuro is one of the largest associations of hospitals and care organisations in Flanders. In the context of personalised medicine, they have a fodus on e.g. medication management in elderly home and ethics assessment for development of PM devices

Type: Government Project page: Access page Country: Belgium Synopsis: The Personalized Medicine Commission (ComPerMed) is a committee that brings together Belgian scientific expertise in this field. Sequencing . DNA with Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) makes it possible to provide personalized treatment and optimized care to cancer patients. At present, the applications of personalized medicine are mainly...

BelgiumWe Are

January 27, 2023by pcdata

Type: Research Project page: Access page Country: Belgium Synopsis: Personal data such as personal preferences, pedometers, movements, search behavior on the internet,… Our data is omnipresent in our lives and society. We can no longer imagine a life without data and apps. The corona crisis also meant that even more things happened online, such as...

Type: Governmental initiative Project page: Access page Country: Belgium Synopsis: The Flanders AI Research Program stands for strategic basic research into AI. The main ambition is the successful adoption of AI in Flanders. In this way, the program wants to contribute to a sustainable and prosperous human-centered digital future in Flanders, as well to economic...