TestimonialsCarmen Mihai, Imago-Mol Cluster Manager

July 2, 2022by pcdata

Today is an important day for us, as we embark on the new adventure called the MEDIC NEST project, after more than a year of training with our partners HellenicBioCluster, Biotecyl and Medvia. We are looking forward to the following 2 years that will be dedicated to the exchange of experience and expertise between clusters, trainings and workshops, which will lead to the creation of a Meta Cluster in precision medicine that will develop the European Strategy in this field, along with a Joint Action Plan in Oncology Precision 2022 – 2027. A big thank you to everyone who believed in our idea and support us in its implementation! We are looking forward to be working together with key players in the field of precision medicine.’

Carmen Mihai, Imago-Mol Cluster Manager