MedicNest.euLive Grid

Let’s meet at SMART HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES in medical diagnostic and treatment FORUM organised by Imago-Mol Cluster, our consortium lead partner

Meet us at SMART HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES in medical diagnostic and treatment FORUM organised by Imago-Mol Cluster, our consortium lead partner, between 7-9th of February 2023, in Iași, Romania Registration is currently open -> Register Here!   Herewith, you can consult the preliminary AGENDA and see the tackled subjects, among which: the Status quo of Smart...

InnoMedCatalyst Project Kick-off: Pioneering Innovation in 5P Medicine Across Europe

We are excited to announce the launch of the InnoMedCatalyst project, an ambitious European initiative designed to enhance the regional innovation capacity in precision and personalized medicine, with a specific focus on 5P Medicine (predictive, preventive, personalized, participatory, and precise). This collaborative project will bring together innovators, startups, scaleups, and healthcare providers to accelerate the development and implementation of groundbreaking...

HealthTech Investors Summit, Bruges, 9-11 December 2024: Pitching applications open!

HealthTech Investor Summit, organized by our founding member, MEDVIA, is the first European event dedicated to bringing together health tech development companies, clusters, enablers and investors! This event will be organized in Bruges, Belgium, between 9th and 11th of December 2024! The summit provides a platform for healthtech start-ups and scale-ups to showcase their products...

MEDIC-NEST Project Newsletters

During the implementation of MEDIC-NEST Project, we have sent 10 newsletters that can be found below: First edition of the MEDIC-NEST Newsletter  Invitation to SMART HEALTH Technologies FORUM, Iași #SaveTheDate 7-9 February 2023 Glimpses to Medic Nest in 2023, stories from 2022 and a Happy New Year! Smart Health Technologies Forum – a Medic Nest...

The MEDIC NEST Project implementation report – more on what happened during the 2-years implementation period of the Medic Nest Project, in a short but comprehensive summary

Find out what has happened during the 2-years implementation period of the Medic Nest Project, in a short but comprehensive summary on the project’s main activities, the CXC schemes, the updated strategy and grid, … as well as lessons learned, main challenges and good practices. MEDIC NEST Final Project Report

MEDIC NEST META-CLUSTER IN PRECISION MEDICINE – all about the Vision, the Mission, Strategical Objectives and growth line for the new alliance

MEDIC NEST is a voluntary, open and agile alliance of European clusters and business supporting organisations strongly believing in the role of inter-cluster, cross border and cross sectoral collaboration supporting the internationalisation, growth and global competitiveness of the European Precision Medicine Ecosystem.   The VISION of the meta-cluster is to create a fostering environment for...

MEDIC-NEST and BRIGHT projects, funded by COSME Programme, will join forces and organise together the final conference of the two projects, on January 24th, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium

Join us for our Final Conference in Brussels, on the 24th of January!     MEDIC-NEST and BRIGHT projects, funded by COSME Programme, will join forces and organise together the final conference of the two projects, in Brussels, Belgium, on the 24th of January 2024!   The MEDIC-NEST team will focus on presenting the results...

Healthcare Digital Transformation: Training for Cluster Representatives in Crete, Greece * How can Clusters grow and become sustainable using Digital Transformation

The ability to incorporate and manage new processes, skills, structures and technologies into health and in particular precision medicine is critical to ensure innovation development and growth. Digital transformation is happening currently all throughout the sector and SMEs need to be able to keep up and transform with minimal business disruption. Cluster managers need to...

Open Registration for HealthTech Investor Summit: Connecting European HealthTech entrepreneurs and investors Bruges, 4 – 6 December 2023 – See you there!

  Our Medic Nest consortium partner, MEDVIA HealthCluster alongside Flanders Investment and Trade, is inviting you to the HealthTech Investor Summit between 4-6 December 2023, in Bruges, Belgium.   What is the HealthTech Investor Summit? The Summit provides a unique platform for investors and innovative health-tech start-ups & scale-ups to connect. We welcome early and...